Manajemen Public Relations Kelas I (Dr. Yeni Rosilawati)

Name of lecturer : Dr. Yeni Rosilawati, SIP., SE., M.M 

Phone number: 081914917606 


Address: IPCOS UMY , Post Graduate Buildings, Ground Floor Kampus Terpadu UMY, Jalan Brawijaya Ringroad Selatan Taman Tirto Bantul  Yogyakarta Indonesia  


The role of PR in any organization is to identify the internal and external key publics, with whom the organization must operate effectively, and to strategically develop and maintain a relationship with these publics for the benefit of both the organization and the publics.

PR is practiced in many different organizational contexts. From in-house government or public affairs roles to corporate communications roles in small, medium, large, listed, and not-for-profit organizationsAn effective PR can create and build up the image of an individual or an organization. At the time of adverse publicity or when the organization is under crisis, an effective PR can remove the misunderstanding and can create mutual understanding between the organization and the publics.

Through their communication planning and management, PR practitioners build and enhance organizational reputation, also build and maintain relationships that are important to the organization and its goals.